Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is, in many ways, foundational to many therapeutic approaches.
CBT is based on the premise that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected. Our thoughts influence the way we feel, and our emotions influence our behaviors. However, our emotions can also impact our thoughts and, and the way we behave can impact our thoughts and feelings.
CBT can help us identify and address unhelpful thought patterns, create an environment that supports the habits we want to build, practice new behaviors, improve motivation, and reduce stress and anxiety.
Hey, you're not the only one! Some people say that CBT is cold and impersonal. Others say that they resent being told what to think or feel blamed in the course of therapy.
I promise that good CBT doesn't need to be any of those things. In my work, I integrate CBT with mindfulness and self-compassion practices, body awareness, and exploration of meanings and values to bring about a lasting change.