If you are or someone you love are at risk for suicide, call 988 - free & confidential across Canada.
If you are not safe at home, call VictimLinkBC at 1-800-563-0808 for help
Call Here2Talk: 604-642-5212
Do you reside in BC and are not sure which crisis line to call? Check out this Map of Crisis Lines
Access and Assessment Centre Provides drop-in and phone services to help individuals and families’ access mental health and or substance use services in Vancouver. Services include referral intake, on-site assessment, crisis intervention, and short-term treatment. Located at 803 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC.
Not sure whether what you're experiencing is an emergency? For medical advice, call 811 to speak to a registered nurse.
Find an Urgent Care Centre near you: Urgent care clinics in BC
Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance - an non-profit organization for healthcare professionals and researchers with an interest in ADHD
Adult ADHD Centre - diagnosis, resources, and help with disability
Westcoast ADHD Clinic - diagnosis, resources, workshops, and help with disability tax application
Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada - ADHD awareness, education, and advocacy
Qmunity - a Queer community center in Vancouver that offers social activities, counselling & more!
Does someone else hold your passport and/or other official documents? Are you forced to work and and not allowed to keep your earnings? Call 1-833-900-1010 to speak to Human Trafficking Hotline